Where Christ Is All

… so that in all things He may have the preeminence!

Colossians 1:27

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Cross Style Life Recovery Program

Cross Style Life Recovery Program is a one year life recovery program, helping men and women seek their recovery alongside JESUS CHRIST! We want to spread our message of hope and compassion; leading to belief that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world.

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Ready to start an online course?

Experience life transformation and greater depth in your personal or small group Bible study with these practical online courses with Stephen Manley.

I am a Jesus pusher!!!! I am an undaunted, courageous, stouthearted, bold, adventuresome, brave, fearless, gallant, heroic, lionhearted, unafraid, unflinching, valiant Jesus pusher. I cannot help myself. He is startling and He has overwhelmed me. I do not speak of ideas about Jesus or historical information concerning Him. I speak about Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!! I am a mastered, possessed, addicted and obsessed Jesus pusher. There seems to be no way to quit. But who would want to?

He is present in every situation of my life. There is no conversation in which I do not feel His presence. He participates in all my recreation. He is everywhere I go. Who would want to be without Him? He is the protection for my life. He is the fragrance I constantly smell. He is the flow of my spiritual blood giving me life. He is my constant nutrition making me healthy. I cannot survive without Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!!

I want to push Him on you. I want you to join me in this obsession. You do not have to work at it; it is not a discipline. It is as natural as breathing. Please let Him pull you to His heart.


Latest Jesus Pushers

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I am a Jesus pusher!!! Three natural steps are in this first illustration. Jesus begins with the ATTITUDE. “But I say to you that whoever is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment” (Matthew 5:22). The same consequence Jesus gave … keep reading about Jesus Pusher 781

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I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus visualized the call to live daily with exceedingly greater righteousness. His cry was, “For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter … keep reading about Jesus Pusher 780

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I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Those of old” proposed REGULATION WITHOUT RELATIONSHIP. The determining influence regarding all outward activity was the law. “You shall not murder” was a law that regulated what you could do and not do, and it stipulated a … keep reading about Jesus Pusher 779