I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8). Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews. He came to Jesus in the night hour. He had a
Jesus Pusher 436
I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). The Jewish religion of Jesus’ day drew to a startling
Oneness in Admiration (Acts 4:24)
by Stephen Manley So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and
Jesus Pusher 435
I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). The Jews listening to Jesus’ message were a product of
Oneness in Akouo (Acts 4:24)
by Stephen Manley So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and
Jesus Pusher 434
I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8). There is a radical difference between having and being! God never gave up who He
Leaven Part 9 (Matthew 13:33)
by Stephen Manley “Another parable He spoke to them: “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till
Jesus Pusher 433
I am a Jesus pusher!!! “Blessed are the pure in heart” (Matthew 5:8). We have often discussed the difference between what God has and who God is. The
I Need You (Acts 4:23)
by Stephen Manley "And being let go, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them." Acts 4:23