I am a Jesus pusher!!! From the lips of another Jesus pusher we hear, “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! Is it true that you become like those you associate with the most? Do you remember the classic story of years gone by? There
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! It is not a job; it is an obsession. It is not a means to an end; it is a passion. I am not compelled by results; I am
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! When Peter was requested to explain Pentecost, he simply pointed them to Jesus. He must have been a Jesus pusher. Jesus of
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! I have found Him as the total and only explanation of theology. Big words and philosophical concepts have often confused me.
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! I am completely embarrassed with the energy I have spent pushing other things. I speak not of drugs, pornography, or
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I'm a Jesus pusher!!! I have walked down the corridors of utter helplessness. I have regarded the iron doors clanging shut and knew there was no way
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! It is such a positive way to be. To highlight Jesus is to present the best, the glorious, the answer, and the way out. It is
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! I am aligning my life with others who have been captured as I am. John declared God is light and in Him is no darkness at all