I am a Jesus pusher!!! He is the bread of life. He is not the baker of the bread. He has not gathered up the ingredients necessary and produced the
Jesus Pusher 13
I am a Jesus Pusher!!! Someone has described the Christian as simply one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread. Even if you do not agree
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! I fear writing about Him lest all you see are facts, data, or information. I fear speaking about Him lest you only grasp ideas,
Jesus Pusher 11
I am a Jesus pusher!!! I have a dream. My world views it as unrealistic and unattainable. But I still have this dream. In my dream I experience total
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! I have experienced the growing awareness of despair. The inward relentless pressure has convinced me things are not right.
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I am a Jesus pusher!!! “You are simply a slave,” you reply. You are absolutely right. I have voluntarily given myself to Him. Love has constrained me
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I am a Jesus pusher!!!! He is my prototype. In Him I have found who I am to be. God has placed in Jesus everything He wants me to have. In Christ I am
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I am a Jesus pusher!!!! To push Him is to push happiness. He does not give me happiness; He is my happiness. I have lived too long in the allusion of
Jesus Pusher 06
I am a Jesus pusher!!!! It is not about being right or knowing more than others. It is about Truth. Jesus is the Truth. He is not the sum total of