Where can I find information about the Life Recovery Program at the Cross Style Church in Lebanon, TN?
The Cross Style Life Recovery Program is a one-year life recovery program, helping men and women seek their recovery alongside Jesus Christ!
What happened to the Practical School of Ministry?
The school officially transitioned from being a collegiate environment to the Life Recovery Program at the Cross Style Church. Classes are held weekly for those in the Life Recovery Program. Additional classes are sometimes made available for those who live locally as interest and time allows.
How can I pray for Cross Style?
We love (and need) prayer! If you have a fervent prayer life, an ache in your heart for lost souls, and a burning to see believers seek a deeper walk with God, then we encourage you to become a prayer partner with Cross Style. Prayer partners commit to prayerful intercession focused on the Holy Spirit’s guidance in accomplishing God’s will through Cross Style Global Ministries. Here are some key prayer requests …
- The individuals within the Life Recovery Program in Lebanon, TN
- The evangelistic ministry of Stephen Manley, the churches/camps he speaks at, and that the people who hear the preaching of God’s Word would surrender afresh to Jesus and walk deeper and more intimately with Christ
- Financial provision for the different ministry opportunities we have throughout the United States and around the world to proclaim the message of the Cross
- Revival
- Lost souls
How can I support Cross Style?
- Prayerfully (see above)
- Financially (donate and support the work of Cross Style)
Do you still do summer internships?
While we don’t have any formal summer internships available at this time, if you are interested in pouring your life out in ministry through a variety of ministry opportunities in Lebanon, TN, please contact us and we can see if you might be a good fit for a summer, a season, or longer.