I am a Jesus pusher!!!! There is no other way. I have tried the latest psychology of my day. I am empty in its system. I have sought the distracting pleasures my society offers. That more than leaves me empty, it causes death. Where can I go? I do not need someone who knows the answer; I need someone who is the Answer. Jesus alone qualifies at every point. He does not give me solutions; He is the solution. He is not a supply of items I need for my life; He is what I need. He is my peace, joy, happiness, power, forgiveness, truth, strength, nutrition and life. He is everything to me. In Him I find all. God placed every spiritual blessing in Christ. All God dreams for me I find in Christ. Therefore, the place for me to be is in Christ.
The difficulty is I cannot get inside Christ. So Christ comes and gets in me. Christ in me is the hope of my glory. As Christ comes in me the intimacy of relationship takes place. I find myself in Christ. We fit together perfectly. Christ was made for me; I was made for Him. This is where I belong; I am at home. I want to go no other place. Why would I? I am pushing Jesus on you. Let Him find you in a new way.