I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus ministered alongside John the Baptist for a brief period of time. When John was taken to prison, Jesus moved His ministry to Galilee. He loved the people of Judea. He wept over the city of Jerusalem. Jesus used the imagery of a hen gathering her chicks under her wing. This was His desire for them; but they would not (Matthew 23:37). He made them aware of judgment, but did it through tears and regret. They had the startling opportunity of embracing Him at His birth in Bethlehem; but they were indifferent. They soon lost their opportunity to know their King. He began His ministry among them, but quickly moved on to Galilee. One more time they lost their opportunity.
How many times has He has come to me? Has He wept over me, crying out with the desire to gather me to His protection? Has He whispered His message in my ear again and again? How many times have I resisted? How many chances have I already missed? I will miss them no longer! I am crying out to Him for deliverance from my indifference. I want the hard shell of my heart to become tender. I desperately desire to hear the whisper of His instruction in my inner heart. I will place all other voices on mute in order to hear Him alone. No other influence, no other agenda, and no other resource will be sought. He is my all in all! My heart is sensitive to His call. He embraces me. I am a Jesus pusher!!!