I am a Jesus pusher!!! The Galilean ministry of Jesus is described as a ministry in the shadow of death (Matthew 4:16). Death is actually personified. A shadow is the darkness cast upon a place by a body raised between it and the light. In this passage death is Satan who is blocking the light. The people of Galilee missed the light intended for them from the Old Testament. They dwell in darkness.
Have you ever been totally frustrated with someone? It is so obvious to you that they are in a place of darkness. They cause their own ruin and destruction. How could you explain it to them? It is not about intellectual information or data. It is about a dwelling place. Their light is being blocked. They live in the shadow of death.
The Gospel is the good news! Light has dawned (Matthew 4:16). The Greek word (anatello) translated has dawned is used nine times in the New Testament. It is used six times in connection with the sun. It has the idea of “springing up.” Jesus departed from Judea and came to Galilee to begin His ministry. This is described as the light springing up in the spiritual place of darkness. Satan stood between the people of Galilee and the light. Jesus out maneuvered him. Jesus, the light, comes to my dark place! I am a Jesus pusher!!!