I am a Jesus pusher!!! Peter preached Jesus to the Jews of the Dispersion (Acts 2:14-39). They stood guilty before the truth concerning Jesus. They were a part of this perverse generation because they crucified Jesus. There was only one issue; it is Jesus. The content of Peter’s sermon was about Jesus. The many more words he shared with them was about Jesus. When Peter testified, the content was about Jesus. He exhorted them about Jesus. His call to repent (give up a former thought to embrace a new thought) was focused on Jesus. He urged them to be baptized into Jesus. This is all about Jesus.
This identical scene plays again in our lives. Jesus has come to us! We must escape from the group, the culture, and the influence, which masters and dominates us. I would cry out to you, “Get out while you can; get out of this sick and stupid culture!” It may be a drug culture, an alcoholic culture, a materialistic culture, or even a religious culture. The call of the Gospel is to be subtracted from that influence and be added to another influence. Come from the Kingdom of Darkness and enter the Kingdom of Light. What is wrong with the culture? It is how it relates to Jesus! We must embrace Jesus. Whatever our focus, it must now be overshadowed with the sight of Jesus. Whatever controls our lives must now be subjected to Jesus. The direction in which we are going must now be the Way, Jesus. Jesus is our one chance! I am a Jesus pusher!!!