I am a Jesus pusher!!! The report of the evangelism after Pentecost is amazing. Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them (Acts 2:41). The Greek word (logos) translated word is very suggestive. It is the Greek word strongly used for Jesus (John 1:1). Whether or not Luke had this in mind as he wrote this verse could be debated. However, there is absolutely no doubt the content of Peter’s preaching is Jesus. Every detail describes Jesus. The call of the message demands a response to the person of Jesus. Their treatment of Jesus was the guilt of the listeners. The connection between the word (logos) and Jesus is clear.
We must return to the contrast of two Greek words. The Greek word “phone” is translated “voice” (Matthew 3:3), “sound” (John 3:8), and “noise” (Revelation 6:1). “Logos” is translated word. “Logos” is the rational thought of the mind. “Phone” is the instrument through which the “logos” is delivered. Biblical scholars from the earliest days contrast John the Baptist, the “phone,” with Jesus, the “Logos!” John was the voice (phone) of one crying in the wilderness (John 1:23), but Jesus was emphatically declared to be the Word (Logos) that was with God and was God (John 1:1). The highest privilege is for you and me to be the “phone” giving expression to the “Logos” who is within us! I am a Jesus pusher!!!