I am a Jesus pusher!!! The content of Peter’s explanation of Pentecost to the Jews of the Dispersion is Jesus. Luke records, Then those who gladly received his word (logos) were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them (Acts 2:41). The connection between the word (logos) and Jesus is clear. Biblical scholars consistently contrast “logos” with “phone.” “Phone” is the Greek word translated “voice.” It is the instrument giving expression to the rational thought or idea, which is “logos.” A “word” is something even without a “voice.” A “word” in the heart is truly a word before it is spoken and even after the speaking is completed. A “voice” is a meaningless sound, an empty cry, unless it also is the vehicle of a “word.” When they are united communication takes place.
There is a sense in which the “voice” precedes the “word.” The sound strikes the ear before the sense is conveyed to the mind. Although the “voice” precedes the “word,” the “voice” is not really before the “word.” The “word” is always before the “voice.” When we speak, the “word” in our hearts must precede the “voice on our lips. The “voice” is the vehicle by which the “word” in us is transferred and becomes a “word” to others. In the act of accomplishing this, the “voice” passes away, but the “word” planted in the hearts of others and in the speaker remains. Peter is filled with the Word (Logos). He becomes the “voice” (phone) of that Word. I want my life to be the “voice” (phone) of Jesus, the Word (Logos). I am a Jesus pusher!!!