I am a Jesus pusher!!! After Peter’s explanation of Pentecost, Luke writes, Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them (Acts 2:41). According to Peter’s instructions, they were to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38). This was very significant for the Jews who actually participated in crucifying Jesus. It would require a complete change of mind (repentance). If a Jew received baptism in this Name, he was excluded from all communication with his countrymen. It would mean renouncing Judaism, and all the political advantages connected with it. The Jewish family life revolved around the local synagogue. They would no longer be welcome in such a gathering. This would affect their jobs and economy. The cost of embracing Jesus was very high!
Is Jesus of greater value than all these other items? Not just a single item is being considered, but all issues connected to Jewish living are brought together. Is He of greater value than my culture, family life, political advantages, economy, and personal life? Is He of more value than my physical comfort and safety? Were the martyrs of the early church wasting their lives on worthless issues of religion? All who truly experience Jesus testify of His extreme value! They too become Jesus pushers!!!