I am a Jesus pusher!!! In response to Peter’s sermon, that day about three thousand souls were added to them (Acts 2:41). The Greek word (prosetetheesan) translated were added is very strong. This word is used to signify the act by which cities, towns, or provinces change their masters, and put themselves under another government. Peter is calling these Jews to transfer from one ruler to another. Three thousand people left the scribes, Pharisees, and Jewish traditions in order to place themselves under the teaching of the apostles. They embraced Christ as the promised and only Messiah.
Let’s thoroughly grasp what this suggests. This means more than making some improvements. It is not ceasing certain deeds and beginning others. You can come to church and work on adjusting your attitude without being added. All of us can use some help in our family relationships. None of us are perfect and are open to instruction. But the call of Jesus is far beyond this procedure. It is a line drawn in the sand. It is stepping from one group to another. It is the changing of Kingdoms. It is about being added (prosetetheesan). Jesus is now going to be the Ruler in my life. He alone shall dominate and dictate. He is worthy of this position. In fact, it is the only position He can occupy. I am a Jesus pusher!!!