I am a Jesus pusher!!! Luke speaks of the early church as they continued steadfastly (Acts 2:42). This statement actually highlights a “state of being.” It is not a series of activities. He lists four activities: doctrine, fellowship, breaking, and prayer. The success of these early Christians was not in doing these activities, but their spiritual state of being which caused them to do the activities. The idea of they continued is used often in connection with prayer. Before the Pentecost event, these all continued with one accord in prayer (Acts 1:14). It is used six times in the Book of Acts. In three of these cases, it is in reference to prayer (Acts 1:14; 2:42; 6:4).
Paul encouraged us to “Pray without ceasing,” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The Greek word (adialeiptos) translated without ceasing is an unusual word. It is only used four times in the New Testament. It does not mean continually in the sense of every day, before each meal, or every morning. It is defined as uninterrupted, without intermission. It is what we call “practicing His presence.” It is a Divine awareness. Intimacy with Jesus captures your mind and heart until you live moment by moment in unity. His influence is constantly guiding your decisions, thoughts, and attitudes. Is this possible? He is great enough to capture your life! I am a Jesus pusher!!!