I am a Jesus pusher!!! The early believers participated in prayer (Acts 2:42). Exactly what were these early Christians doing when there is a reference to prayer? What is the content of “praying” in their context? The Greek word translated prayer in our verse (Acts 1:14) is in the noun form. It is used thirty-seven times in the New Testament and nine of those are found in the Book of Acts. The verb form of this same word is used sixteen times in the Book of Acts. As you work your way through this book it appears they are always in a state of prayer. I was amazed to find this Greek word only used eight times as a noun in the Gospel accounts. Each of these occurrences relates to Jesus. Even more amazing, the verb form of this word is used forty seven times in the Gospel accounts. Each time it refers to what Jesus does or is and is used in the words of Jesus to others. In other words, in the Gospels the disciples never one time participate in the act of prayer.
If this is true, the early church entered into a new experience. For the first time they participated in what Jesus taught them in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:5-15). Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father and they now pray in His name. Opening before them is a new era of communication between God and man. Were they aware as they prayed that Jesus went behind the veil for them in the Holy tabernacle not made with hands? He at that moment made intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25). What a privilege to live in His presence! I am a Jesus pusher!!!