I am a Jesus pusher!!! What did you do today? I spent the whole day in prayer! Do you mean you missed work? Oh, no. I went to work, picked up the kids, and ate supper with my family. But it was all prayer! There was a continuous interaction with Him. I constantly felt and experienced His influence. I found myself in continual worship. My fellowship and interaction with Jesus was moment by moment.
Perhaps you think this is impractical. How could such a strong discipline be maintained? Even when I am on my knees in prayer, my mind wanders. Luke wrote about the early church, “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers,” (Acts 2:42). The main verb of the sentence is the Greek word “eesan,” which is not translated into the English sentence. It is a state of being! This describes prayer, not as an activity at a set time, but a flow in the lives of the believers. This is why I am a Jesus pusher. He is not a religious activity, ceremony, or belief system. He is a Person who indwells me! There is no aspect of life that does not know His presence and influence. He is unrelenting in strengthening and sourcing my life, enabling me. He does not give me peace and joy; He is my state of peace and joy. My days and nights are filled with Him. I do not want to experience any activity in which He is not present. I am a Jesus pusher!!!