I am a Jesus pusher!!! Luke writes concerning the early believers, “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common,” (Acts 2:44). The Greek word (echo) translated had plays a dominate role in Christianity. There is another Greek word used for possessing materialism. This word (echo) is relational and focuses on spiritual things. It announces that Christianity can be characterized positively as a “religion of having.”
There is a long list with Scriptural references describing the various spiritual aspects we have in Jesus! In John’s account of the Gospel, it is stressed repeatedly that we have (echo) eternal life presently. This elevates the richness of living in Jesus from the realm of hope to the realm of present possession. We have God’s love (John 5:42), peace (John 16:33), grace (John 17:13), light (John 8:12), and life (John 5:40). There is something greater than all of these. We can actually “have” Jesus! He is ours and we are His! The reason we have all of the spiritual necessities listed above is because we have Him. These are all byproducts of His presence. This means there is a singular need in my life; it is Him. It is understandable He can have me; but I am startled, amazed, and overwhelmed to understand that I can have Him. He is all that I need! There is nothing more or less than Him. In Him I have everything; for He is everything! I am a Jesus pusher!!!