I am a Jesus pusher!!! I am message centered not organization centered. My concern is not the sharpness of the messenger, but the clarity of the message. Every aspect of the delivery which distracts from the message must be eliminated. When the music becomes so dominate I cannot see Him, the music must cease. When my stories become so vivid they are remembered instead of Him, I must shrink from telling them. You understand Jesus is my message. I am not referring to details about His life, or concepts He taught, or even commandments. I am only pointing to His person.
John strongly established himself as an eyewitness of Christ. He used words such as heard, seen with our eyes, looked upon, and hands have handled. Immediately he tells us the message he received from Jesus. He cries, “This is the message. . . .” (1 John 1:5). The English language cannot properly translate his emphasis. John puts the stress on the verb “is” in order to convey the sense of “exists.” In other words, “There exists this message.” There is a timeless significance about the message. This message has not been subject to change or modification. It did not originate with John or you and me. In fact, it did not originate with the physical Jesus preaching the Sermon on the Mount. It comes from the heart of the Trinity.
What is the message? Jesus is the message. He is not a delivery system for the message or a bill board stating the message; He is the message of the heart of God. He is not one through whom God speaks; He is the speaking of God. Everything taking place in the heart of God is found in Jesus. I am a Jesus pusher; I want to push all that is found in God’s heart. I want to engulf you and submerge you in His throbbing heart. This will be done by getting you into Jesus. I am a Jesus pusher!!!