I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus finished his last public message (Matthew 23). He left the temple with His disciples. He suddenly stopped short just before the exit. He quickly told His disciples to hide; evidently something great was about to happen. Then a little old lady came waddling into the temple. She was humped shouldered; her robes were wrapped tightly around her. She went to the offering box looking carefully to be sure she was alone. Reaching into her robe she produced a small coin purse. She snapped it open, turned it upside down, and hit it on the bottom. All the money fell out; it was two coins. In one motion she tucked the coin purse away and departed.
Jesus exploded with excitement. He exclaimed, “Did you see that? It was great!” The disciples were confused. They were amazed when Sadducees floated several hundred dollar bills into the offering plate. This poor widow only gave two coins. Jesus explained, “You missed the truth. It was not how much she gave; it was how much she kept!” (Luke 21:1-4). She gave all. The amount was insignificant. She kept nothing, but gave total ownership to God. Jesus is worthy of all. If ownership is His, I am simply distributing according to His directions. This removes the struggle of amount. I give my total self to Him; He gives Himself to me. In this intimate relationship, I own nothing. I am His! I am a Jesus pusher!!!