I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the early church, the believers had all things in common (Acts 2:44). In fact, they sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need (Acts 2:45). Communal living is suggested by some. In the context of this verse that would be practically impossible. Over three thousand individuals were added to the church (Acts 2:41). These individuals did not live in the same house or even the same area. The Scripture reveals an amazing generosity among the believers, but not everyone sold everything. Many people maintained their homes for they ate together on various occasions (Acts 2:46).
Jesus was now their possession; and they were His possession. This greatly affected how they treated their materialism. They realized everything was under His control. The story is told of several families during a great revival who felt they should give their homes to the church. The wise pastor received those homes and immediately asked each family a key question. Would you live in this house belonging to Jesus? Would you maintain the upkeep and pay the utilities? They must realize Jesus might send someone their way that they were to help; after all it is Jesus’ house. We do not own material things; they own us. We must yield ownership of ourselves to Jesus. He gives Himself to us; in Him we have all things. I am a Jesus pusher!!!