I am a Jesus pusher!!! Luke begins to give content to the life lived among the early believers. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart (Acts 2:44-46). The phrase with one accord seems to state an important aspect of the state of being in which the believers lived.
The unity of the believers often becomes the dominant concern in the church. But this unity is always a byproduct of unity with Jesus. The unity under discussion is unlike any other unity among any other groups. The Greek word (homothumadon) translated with one accord is actually a compound word. The first word is “homo” which means “one and the same.” The second word is “thumadon” which is temperament or mind. It has to do with passion or heavy breathing. In other words, this is not a casual unity. There is intensity in this unity. There is something going on which is so gigantic it has captured them all. It is Jesus! He captured them. The apostles taught them about Jesus; their fellowship centered on Jesus; they ate together, which involved the Lord’s Supper; they prayed in intimacy with Jesus. Everything was about Him! Division comes from a lack of His person. He alone can bring unity. I am a Jesus pusher!!!