I am a Jesus pusher!!! Luke describes the atmosphere expressed in the fellowship and unity of the early believers. It is significantly compounded when one thinks of the increasing numbers involved. They went from one hundred and twenty (Acts 1:15), to three thousand one hundred and twenty (Acts 2:41), to an abundance of more than eight thousand (Acts 4:4). It is a marvelous testimony to the power of Jesus within the believers.
They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people (Acts 2:46-47). These words occur only in the language of the Bible and the Church. Luke describes a joy encompassing the whole person and radiating from him. The Greek word (aggaliasis) translated gladness is a forceful word. It contains the idea of inner joy, but also carries with it the outward expression. It might be translated “exultation” which is “to rejoice greatly” or “to be jubilant.” The Greek word (aphelotes) translated simplicity is only used one time in the New Testament. It carries the emphasis of “smooth.” It is the picture of a plowed field with no rocks or obstacles in it. In our passage, this description is connected to the hearts of the believers. There was no obstacle in the inner lives of these believers. It has to do with purity of intention and sincerity. Jesus alone can cause this. I am a Jesus pusher!!!