I am a Jesus pusher!!! Luke describes the early church as “having favor with all the people” (Acts 2:47). Persecution would come soon enough. However, the ordinarily normal Jewish person found the lives of the believers blessed and attractive. The Greek word (charis) translated favor means “grace.” They shared the abundant grace of Jesus experienced by all believers within their community. They were guilty of crucifying Christ; but the resurrected Jesus filled them. They experienced total forgiveness and the fulfillment of their lives. This same grace was expressed in their daily lives to the extent it affected all of their surroundings.
In the Greek language there are two different Greek words translated “good.” One Greek word (agathos) describes a thing as good. However, the Greek word (kalos) means something is not only good but it also looks good. It has a winsome attractiveness about it. The indwelt presence of Jesus brought loveliness to the lives of the believers. There are many people who are good but they are hard. They would never do wrong or hurt you, but they do not draw others to them. As this new body of Christ was formed, the presence of the Spirit of Jesus drew the community to them. Only Jesus can do this in our lives. I want Him to affect my family and community through me. I am a Jesus pusher!!!