I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus entered into the life of Joseph and Mary in a practical manner not just a religion. In fact, Joseph is called to a new and full revelation of God in his life. For over four hundred years, there was no revelation of God. No bushes burned; no prophets spoke. No one saw any handwriting on the wall; no angels were reported. Joseph’s entire concept of God was contained in the Old Testament Scriptures. It was all hearsay. He had learned and heard about God, but he did not know Him. Joseph believed in Jehovah God with all of his heart. It was demonstrated in the rituals and ceremonies he maintained. He was a just man (Matthew 1:19). He knew the stories behind each of the Feast Days of Israel. He knew God delivered, but he did not know the God who delivered.
Now God entered into the flesh; it was their flesh. Mary was with child. Joseph would actually live with God. He would provide for God. He would participate in all God was going to do. Jesus ushered in the New Covenant. It was a new revelation and relationship with God. Man could actually be filled with God. The God of Mount Sinai came to unite with man in intimacy. God would become one with man. Jesus is this revelation. What an opportunity we have to know God! I am a Jesus pusher!!!