I am a Jesus pusher!!! Joseph was in a moral dilemma. He was betrothed to Mary who was now with child. Joseph is not the father of the child; what should he do? Can he accept the angel’s announcement? God has actually invaded their world. Not just in an earthly sense but personally. They must deal face to face with God.
Is it any less radical for us? God actually looks like my brother! In fact, this is what He calls me (Hebrews 2:11). God has become one of us! Someone cried, “One like us, one with our skin has made it to the right hand of the throne!” Now we see how God really feels. He does not hate His enemies but says, “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44).
But this new revelation goes beyond activities. It is a revelation of how God can indwell man; it is a revelation of God actually living His life through man. It is a revelation of the dream God has for me! He wants to be born in me. It is a revelation of the imparted life of God that can come to every man. This will radically change my approach to life. I must embrace Him in the power of His presence and know His life in me! I am a Jesus pusher!!!