I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus calls His disciples. There are several different recorded aspects of the call. These may be referred to as stages or phases of God’s call on our lives. It establishes a pattern for the unfolding maturity God wants us to experience. Wherever we are in the journey, it compels us forward. The first step is A CALL TO FAITH. It is amazing how God orchestrates the events in our lives to bring us to Himself. John the Baptist was standing with two of his disciples (John 1:35). He witnessed to them concerning Jesus. They immediately followed Jesus and spent the entire day with Him. There was wonderful sharing, teaching, and fellowship during that day. It was so impacting that Andrew, one of those disciples, ran to find his brother, Peter. And he brought him to Jesus (John 1:42). On the very next day Jesus found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me,” (John 1:43). Philip shared with Nathanael. All of these encounters took place in Judea. These men went with Jesus to Galilee and experienced the first miracle (John 2:1-12).
The Scriptures record, “and His disciples believed in Him,” (John 2:11). They became disciples based on their faith. Again and again the Scriptures describe the action of faith as “invoking the activity of the second party.” These men desperately wanted to change Israel, but knew they could not. The empire of Rome had overpowered them. The corruption and chaos within their Jewish traditions pressured them. There was only one hope. The Messiah must come. He alone could do what they could not do. It is here in this encounter with Jesus, they realize He is the One to act in their behalf. They believed; do you? I am a Jesus pusher!!!