I am a Jesus pusher!!! The first call of the disciples was A CALL TO FAITH. After experiencing Him, the Scriptures states, “and His disciples believed in Him,” (John 2:11). This is essential for being a Christian disciple. We attract people to the church because of our care and love. They become a part of our fellowship and enjoy the activities. They receive the benefits of being a part of the church. But there must be an encounter with Jesus. They must realize the desperate need of their own lives and circumstances. The pattern of defeat, the awareness of the emptiness, and their guilt for their own sins cripples them. They must embrace Jesus through faith (invoke the activity of His Person).
Has this happened to you? This is not an advanced state but a beginning step. It is here that you must start. If you miss this you nullify all other aspects of the call of Jesus on your life. If you attempt to build a Christian life without this, it is a house built on sand (Matthew 7:24-29). This is not an experience to get through but a base upon which everything else will rest. Everything in Christian experience flows through the response of faith. This is the blood that flows through the veins of the Christian. He is always invoking the activity of the Second Party. I cannot; but Jesus can! I will let Him! I am a Jesus pusher!!!