I am a Jesus pusher!!! Peter and Andrew and several others encounter Jesus in Judea. They believe in Him; they become His disciples. Their second encounter with Him is in Galilee. John the Baptist was in prison; Jesus goes to Galilee to begin His ministry. He establishes His headquarters in Capernaum (Matthew 4:12-13). Jesus is walking by the Sea of Galilee. In the Greek text the name “Jesus” is not present. The subject is actually “a third person, singular, pronoun (He).” The Greek word (peripateo) translated walking is a verb. It is a participle used as an adjective for “He.” Jesus was always “walking around.” It was His method of ministry (Matthew 9:35).
As He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw the same disciples He met in Judea. They had returned to their fishing. Since these disciples responded to the first stage of His call, He decides to renew and strengthen the call. He said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). The Greek word (poieo) translated “I will make” is in the active voice. This means the subject of the sentence is responsible for the action of the verb. It is in the future tense. Obviously this has not happened to the disciples until this moment. Jesus asks the disciples to join Him for the purpose of allowing Him to form them into something new. What they have been is not what they will be! Oh, the wonder of His plans for you. Will you let Him form you? I am a Jesus pusher!!!