I am a Jesus pusher!!! Let the words of Jesus echo in your mind! “Follow Me!” He captures you by His presence. You see His miracles. You realize your own personal inability to affect a change in the governmental system of your land. Your nation must be re-established; you are the people of God. God has promised for generations of time that a Messiah will come. You are convinced Jesus is the One. Now, He calls you to join Him. What a privilege!
There are actually three Greek words (deuto opiso mou) translated “Follow Me.” The first Greek word (deuto) is an “interjection.” It is like “hey,” “hello” or “look out.” These kinds of words are not spoken casually or without intent. This first Greek word (deuto) literally means “come” or “come here.” The second Greek word (opiso) means “after.” In this context it means “behind me.” The third Greek word (mou) is the personal singular pronoun, “me.”
The standard pattern for the selection of disciples was that the would-be disciple requested to follow a teacher of his choice. In our passage, Jesus inverts this procedure and asks these men to follow Him. This call is not intended to be an imperative. It is an invitation or an encouragement. These two factors are amazing elements of the Gospel. He comes to us! Without demand He invites us! Are you responding? I am a Jesus pusher!!!