I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus calls, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The Greek word (poieo) translated I will make is at the very heart of the statement. They are to follow Him and allow Him to “make them.” The goal of “making them” is that they become world changers. None of this will happen unless His hands shape and form them. “I will make” (poieo) is in the active voice. This means the subject (Jesus) is responsible for the action. This discipleship linkage will be like no other in existence. They will not be shaped by learning information or new lessons. They will not be developed by new habits and styles of discipline. Jesus Himself will shape their lives. His indwelt person sources them.
“I will make” (poieo) is in the indicative mood. This means it is a simple statement of fact. This is neither a suggestion nor a hopeful statement. If they accept His invitation nothing will be able to stop this formation. “I will make” (poieo) is in the future tense. This is not what the disciples are at this moment; this is a view of what they will be. This is not a focus on the past; it is not about examining, adjusting, or understanding the effects of previous experiences. This endeavor is a new plan, their possible future. This is the turning of a corner and going in a new direction. This formation is in spite of the shape of the past. Will we place ourselves in His hands for such a radical formation? I am a Jesus pusher!!!