I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus sounds a call to the disciples, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men,” (Matthew 4:19). We understand the depth of this call in a way they did not. Jesus invited this group to travel with Him on a journey. It is a journey through the cross, resurrection and ascension. He will be exalted at the right hand of the Father and pour out His Spirit. The formation Jesus proposes will ultimately take place by the empowering of the Holy Spirit. The disciple and the teacher will become one in a way no other disciple and teacher have ever done. In this beginning stage, Jesus invites them to “Follow Me!” This formation soon moves from “following” to “indwelling.” It is amazing to discover the emphasis of the Gospel after the crucifixion. After the cross we are never again told to “follow” Jesus. At this early stage the disciples could easily follow the physical Jesus. After the crucifixion and throughout the Pentecost events God changes the picture. Jesus indwells them. They cannot follow Him for He is within them. The indwelt Spirit moves them; they are sourced. The formation happens from within them.
They have no choice in the formation. They do have a choice in becoming a disciple. Many others did not follow Him (John 6:60). The formation is without choice. It is inevitable (impossible to avoid or prevent)! They are being formed into His likeness. I am a Jesus pusher!!!