I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). From the beginning of Jesus’ life to the end of His earthly presence, the call is evangelism. How can this be ignored? If we accept His call, He forms us. He does not form us into holy saints to be displayed in the final museum of the sky. His dream is not of a nice group of people developing professional music programs to praise His name. His cry is to win our world! To miss this is to miss Him!
Let us be very plain! The call of Jesus is to “follow Him.” The call is not to become fishers of men. Don’t lose the focus of the call. If the call is to become fishers of men, we will revert to training sessions. Our emphasis becomes techniques and the development of skills. Those with the most outgoing personalities, natural born salesmen, become the stars of the group. Though we applaud those who are effective, we must not lose sight of the call! The call is to “Follow Me!” In being joined to Him, I become like Him because His nature envelops me. What drives Him begins to drive me; His love becomes my love. The way He thinks is the way I now think. He becomes so engrained into my being that He is forming me. If we have not become “fishers of men,” then we are not following. This is not optional; it is inevitable! It is not the goal; the goal is to be formed by Him. What a privilege. I am a Jesus pusher!!!