I am a Jesus pusher!!! If fear is conquered, if response dominates, one can catch men. The Spirit of God will produce this in your life. “Catching men” is an INGREDIENT; it is not an activity. Jesus does not call the disciples to a new vocation; this is not a career move. He does not call them to develop new skills; this is not a program to learn evangelistic techniques. Jesus does not encouraging them to enroll in a crash course to help Him build a large following for His ministry. The very substance of “following Him” is to catch men. It is the nature of being Spirit-sourced.
This is plainly presented in the grammar structure of Jesus’ statement. “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men” (Luke 5:10). The subject and verb of the second sentence is the Greek word (eimi) translated you will. This verb means, “to be.” It is used repeatedly as “I am!” It is a state of being. It is in the indicative mood, “a simple statement of fact.” There is no attempt to present an argument. It is in the second person; it is singular, meaning “you.” It is in the future tense; therefore, it is translated will instead of “am.” This is the destiny, purpose, and focus of a Spirit-sourced person. The fullness of the Spirit of God downloads the heart of God to the believer. Jesus’ focus becomes ours. We cannot help ourselves; we are intimate with Jesus. I am a Jesus pusher!!!