I am a Jesus pusher!!! I am a great lover of theology. The word theology comes from two Greek words which are connected to each other. This compound Greek word is a combination of “Theo” and “logos.” “Theo” is translated “God” and “logos” is translated “word.” Therefore, theology is “words about God.” It is great to discuss great ideas about God. Each of us develops his own conclusion. There are some of us who spend our entire life engrossed in these ideas and concepts about God. We learn to debate these ideas, sharpening our perspective, and become very stubborn about our conclusions.
Then God became flesh and upset everything. Christmas is not just a theological earthquake to be included in our classroom discussions. It is the entrance of a person of God into my life structure and plans. Suddenly Joseph and Mary are disturbed with the presence of a third person. He is really the second person of the Trinity invading their territory. Jesus, who is God, has come! The established patterns of life are set aside. The rituals they have always followed are disrupted. What do I do now? This is the question of the hour. I cannot respond to Jesus like I have responded to “my theology.” He wants to participate in the flow of my actions and thoughts. He wants to give me His mind. Jesus is born! It is Christmas! I am a Jesus pusher!!!