I am a Jesus pusher!!! It is such a positive way to be. To highlight Jesus is to present the best, the glorious, the answer, and the way out. It is not about what you cannot embrace but what you can embrace. He is not about what you give up but what you take on. Embracing Him is not about sacrifice but enhancing. Peter describes one who has known the wonder of Christ and turns from it as a dog returns to his own vomit, (2 Peter 2:22). Who would want to do such a thing? Every sacrifice I have made to know Christ can be clearly equated to “dog vomit.” There is no sadness, sorrow, or regret connected to His fullness.
Having proclaimed this as true, I recognize the negative does exist. One cannot have a positive without the negative. There is light which verifies there is darkness. Darkness is simply the absence of light. It only exists where there is no light. If anyone wants to live in darkness, they must get rid of the light. One cannot live in darkness by accident. In a totally darkened room even the small flame cannot be ignored. It demands the attention of everyone. Why would anyone spend their life time extinguishing the light? It would be a constant battle one could never win. One must consistently fight to live in darkness. Embrace the light; it will grow in your life. I have become overwhelmed with it. It is not a struggle but a relaxed invading. Light is permeating the depth of every facet of my life.
I am a light pusher!!! Jesus is the light. In Him there is no darkness at all. But this is of no concern for all I want is light. I am not fighting against; I am fighting for. It is hard to call it a battle; the enemy is quickly dismantled as darkness disappears in the light. There is great victory in Jesus. I am a person of the light; I am a Jesus pusher!!!