I am a Jesus pusher!!! Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). Jesus told the disciples that He would “make” them witnesses. He is not speaking to the development of skills or the acquiring of information. He refers to the essence of their “being!” Academic facts can be memorized by anyone. There are four spiritual laws and specific Scriptures, but this does not constitute the witness (fishers of men) He describes. There are facts about Jesus we all can know; but when those facts become truth we embrace Him for He is the truth. Jesus becomes the focus. The Biblical concept is that we experience the facts of Jesus until we are gripped with the person of Jesus. When we are gripped with the person of Jesus we “become” a witness.
We think that as Christians we must follow a specific list of activities: Bible reading, prayer, church attendance, tithing, and Christian service. If we include “witnessing” in our list it only applies to a few. We pride ourselves in the accomplishment of a few activities; they compensate for the lack of “witnessing.” But this is not a proper view. Being fishers of men is not one of the many duties; it is the essence of being Christian. This is what I am going “to be” in Christ! He must be seen through my life. I am a Jesus pusher!!!