I am a Jesus pusher!!! Matthew records the response of the disciples to Jesus’ call to become fishers of men. He writes, “They immediately left their nets and followed Him,” (Matthew 4:20). There is a strong emphasis on the “immediate” response of these men. The fact that James and John respond the same two verses later only heightens its importance. Matthew carefully relates to us other times when there was delay and hesitation. There was one disciple who wanted to go and bury his father before he followed Jesus. Jesus’ reply was abrupt and forceful, “Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead,” (Matthew 8:21). There was no room for hesitation or postponement. The call was for an immediate response.
This is the archetype of the Scriptures. Archetype means “an original model or type after which other similar things are patterned.” It becomes the prototype. The early response of these disciples established the pattern for all disciples. There must be no hesitation. If one diligently searches the Scriptures the “immediate response” is the consistent ingredient of every call from the heart of God. The revelation of God to man is never casual or optional. It is important and immediate! Hesitation undermines the sovereignty of God’s will. It places man’s will above God’s will. It blaringly declares that we know better than God. God is so gracious; He gives us ample time to try the spirits. However, God requires response the moment we are sure of His call. This is not because it is best for Him; it is best for us. Let immediate response to Jesus be the pattern of my life. I am a Jesus pusher!!!