I am a Jesus pusher!!! When Jesus called two of His disciples, “They immediately left their nets and followed Him” (Matthew 4:20). It is the only proper response to Jesus. The Scriptures give us an excellent example of Jesus’ response to us. After hours of frantically fighting to keep the boat from sinking in the night hours, Jesus appeared skipping from one storm wave to another. At first the disciples thought He was a ghost and were frightened. Jesus called out to them; He even encouraged Peter to walk on the water with Him. Peter made a feeble attempt. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, (Matthew 14:30). This reflected the love and concern of Jesus for Peter. It gives us a picture of the priorities in the heart of Jesus. You and I matter to Him.
Contained within the call of God upon our lives is the urgency of immediate response. The timing of your response is a reflection on the importance of the call. We respond to what is important to us. To set His call aside suggests our agenda is of greater importance and value than Him. The hour is pressing; the call is urgent; the response must be immediate. He has the supreme position in my heart. I will immediately respond to Him. I am a Jesus pusher!!!