I am a Jesus pusher!!! Peter and Andrew receive a call to follow Jesus. Up to this time they supported Jesus when they had time. Now the call of Jesus has come to them. They must repel their nets (Matthew 4:20) and their boat (Matthew 4:22). Their schedules, interests, and conversations will be driven by a different center. They will never go back to what they left. For James and John it was even more severe. They left the boat and their father (Matthew 4:22). It was a family business; they were carrying on the tradition of their family. This too must be set aside. At a later time Peter refers to what is being done as “all.” Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You” (Matthew 19:27).
This theme of family is often highlighted in the Scriptures. As Jesus gave instruction to His disciples concerning ministry this issue appeared. He warned all disciples that persecution would come from within the realm of family relationships (Matthew 10:35-36). Jesus calls us all to love Him more than family relationship. He said, “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:37). Jesus is worthy of your total surrender of your total heart. I am a Jesus pusher!!!