I am a Jesus pusher!!! I am completely embarrassed with the energy I have spent pushing other things. I speak not of drugs, pornography, or materialism as some have done. If those pushers have been misled, how much more have I.
I have pushed heaven with its streets of gold and great mansions. I have become emotional over a place where pain and suffering will cease to exist. I have promoted a location instead of Him. Do not be offended. All that is said about such a place is true; but why did that thrill me more than Him?
I have pushed theology with great vigor. I have become convinced of certain ideas which became so elevated in my spiritual life I could not tolerate those who did not agree. I found myself being intolerant, unloving, and judgmental. Perhaps my belief was correct, but did it create an attitude unlike Him?
I became so accustomed to certain religious activities; they became my traditions. I strongly pushed them upon everyone. I promoted them as the solution to the needs of mankind. If only they would follow my example and adhere to my patterns. Young people infuriated me with new patterns and customs. It brought division and argument. How could my patterns of seeking Him become so large in my life they overshadowed His presence?
I am a Jesus pusher!!! I renounce everything but Him. Everything must come under His presence; it must be subordinate to His presence. I will know Him only. Will you join me as a Jesus pusher?