I am a Jesus pusher!!! Another element in following Jesus is an EXCLUSIVE relationship. While Jesus walked the face of this earth, it was a common practice for people to attach themselves to a great teacher as a disciple. The purpose of this attachment was to learn a particular philosophy or theory. However, to be a disciple of Jesus was more than adhering to His teachings; He was the Messiah. The leaders of Israel did not have a problem accepting Jesus as another great teacher. It was His position as Messiah that threatened them. One could not embrace the teachings of Jesus without embracing Him as the Messiah. He was not one among many; He was the only One. Jesus said, “I am the bread of life,” (John 6:35 and 6:48). This statement comes from a discussion He had with the leaders of Israel. They quoted the Old Testament Scripture concerning their forefathers eating manna in the desert. Jesus reminded them that Moses did not give them the bread from heaven. It was His Father who promised that the true bread from heaven would give life to the world. Jesus claimed to be this bread.
A commitment to Jesus must be total abandonment to Him alone. This became evident when from that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more (John 6:66). The statement “went back” has to do with “going away to the things left behind” or “no longer walking with him.” These expressions mark the return of these disciples to the lives they lived before they followed Jesus. The twelve disciples expressed the true commitment necessary to be a disciple. But Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” (John 6:68-69). Count me in! I am an abandoned Jesus pusher!!!