I am a Jesus pusher!!! Do not be drawn into “imitating” language. The Greek word (mimetes) translated imitate is in the noun form (1 Corinthians 11:1). This word group appears only eleven times in the New Testament. Eight of them are in Paul’s writings. The verb occurs in the Book of Hebrews (13:7) and in the epistle of John (3 John 11). The noun form appears in the Book of Hebrews (Hebrews 6:12). The idea of imitation is not suggested as a style of Christian discipleship, but is connected to a certain activity or example which should be followed, imitated.
Let it be strongly stated that after the Gospels (the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus), there is no call to “follow” Jesus. He is no longer here to follow. Our relationship with Jesus drastically changed. For a moment, think of the radical difference between the God on Mount Sinai or in the Holy of Holies and the actual presence of Jesus, God in the flesh. The differences between these two manifestations form a sizable list. The kind of relationship each manifestation produced is radically different. Even more so is the difference between Jesus in the flesh and the indwelling Spirit of Jesus. The change in relationship from one manifestation to the other demands a total adjustment in language and experience. We no longer serve Him; He engages us in His service from within. We no longer do our best; He flows through us producing His best. We no longer live for Him; He is living through us! I am a privileged Jesus pusher!!!