I am a Jesus pusher!!! The language of the Apostle Paul for relationship with Jesus is the preposition “in” (en). There are three small words used often in the English and Greek languages. “From” and “into” are motion terms, which indicate a change in location. However, “in” describes the location to which the motion brought us. It is the dwelling place, the abiding or remaining location. Paul developed the bumper sticker slogan of Christianity, Christ in you (Colossians 1:27). The phrases of “Christ in” and “in Christ” appear over two hundred times in Pauline literature. Jesus uses this same language in the Gospel of John as He describes what is about to take place in the fullness of the Spirit. He tells His disciples, “At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you,” (John 14:20).
Being “in Christ” is not the loss of individuality, nor the absorption of the individual into the Divine person. We were created by God to be dependent upon Him. As an engine was built requiring oil, so we are created requiring Jesus. We find our full potential and fulfillment when we are “in Christ.” Our full value is found here! The ideas of being “in Christ” and “Christ in you” are descriptions of the same basic union. It is the picture of “breathing.” The air is in us and we are in the air. The desires of God are now dominating our mind and hearts. We are not “following” an instructor; we are not “imitating” an example. We are empowered by the very nature of Jesus. Everything is different when we are “in Christ” and Christ is “in us.” I am a Jesus pusher!!!