I am a Jesus pusher!!! I have found Him as the total and only explanation of theology. Big words and philosophical concepts have often confused me. The arguments and debates of men have repulsed me. I have been repelled by the constant usage of certain theological jargon which did not relate to the pain of my life. If Christianity is only the complication of theological idea, I am damned. I have far too many unanswered questions plaguing my life.
I am a Jesus pusher!!! He is my theology. In intimacy with Him all the great questions of life find their answers. Is there life after death? Absolutely! I know the One who has conquered death. In Him the sting of death has been removed making it a simple transition to another plane of living. Did He not cry, “I am the life,” (John 14:6)? Is there victory over sin? Can sin in its essence be cleansed and removed from my life? Who could claim such a condition? In Christ I have experienced the expanding righteousness of His person engulfing my life. Holiness had nothing to do with my doing but had everything to do with His embracing. He has become so united with me that His righteousness has become mine. I have become a partaker of the Divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Is there purpose and meaning to life? All my plans and dreams have been temporary. Once a dream is accomplish what is left? In His indwelling presence I have moved from the temporal view to the eternal view. He has a plan. I was born out of the dreams and plans of God. I am important to Him forever.
I am a Jesus pusher!!! I will embrace Him as my theology. My doctrine will be a proclamation of Him. I will propose Him as the only answer, the total solution. We must know Him and be a Jesus pusher.