I am a Jesus pusher!!! And Jesus went about all Galilee (Matthew 4:23). Jesus is not going about Galilee by Himself. This is clarified in the Greek word (perigu) translated went about. It is actually a combination of two Greek words. The first is “peri” which means “about,” and “gu” which means “to lead, carry, or go.” This Greek word highlights not just the individual changing locations, but includes someone else as it happens. The emphasis of the word embraces the disciples who were called. They experienced the ministry of Jesus in Galilee as a member of the audience, but also participated with Him in its accomplishment.
As Jesus went around Galilee He was leading and He included these disciples. It is emphatic in the Greek text.
When Jesus originally called these men, He called them to be “fishers of men,” (Matthew 4:19). The focus of their lives was to change from a focus on self to others. Now they are experiencing practical ministry with Jesus fulfilling this focus. In three verses (Matthew 4:23-25), we are given a description of those included in this focus. He lists those possessed of all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease (Matthew 4:23). He gives further details by including sick people who were afflicted with various disease and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics (Matthew 4:24). All the people we would normally shun, He embraced and changed. Jesus called this ministry! If I am filled with Him, what will He do through me? Would He not continue with this same focus? Because I am focused on Jesus, I am gripped with His focus. His heart becomes by heart! I am a Jesus pusher!!!