I am a Jesus pusher!!! Matthew gives a description of the people to whom Jesus ministers (Matthew 4:23-25). For instance, there are the INCURABLE. Nothing was too hard for this Spirit-sourced Man. There is no area, no condition, and no situation in which Jesus in not adequate. Matthew develops this in the chapters to come by carefully choosing illustrative examples.
When you couple this with His theme of the “Kingdom,” it becomes evident God invaded the demonic control and authority. Not all sickness is a direct result of personal sin. Job suffered greatly, though he was blameless, upright, feared God, and turned away from evil (Job 1:1). On one occasion the disciples assumed that the man who was born blind was being punished either for his own sin or that of his parents. Jesus corrected them, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him,” (John 9:3). However, all sickness is indirectly the result of the curse of sin upon our world. Every miracle of healing is an invasion of the control and authority of the demonic Kingdom. It is a declaration that the Kingdom of God is present. There are none who are incurable; the forces of evil have no grip on anyone that cannot be released. There are no habits, no bondage, no sin, no guilt, and no situation the Spirit of Jesus cannot conquer. I am a delivered Jesus pusher!!!