I am a Jesus pusher!!! Jesus calls His disciples to the focus of His heart. His heart is focused on people. It is an INCLUSIVE focus! Matthew describes the multitudes to which Jesus ministered (Matthew 4:23-25). He lists three specific types. There are those who were demon-possessed (Matthew 4:24). It is clearly stated that many physical and mental afflictions are caused directly by demons. Jesus conquered the demonic authority and control. The issue was not the miracle but the people. Jesus is focused on people. Matthew goes on to list a second category, epileptics. The Greek word (seleniazomai) translated epileptics literally means “moonstruck.” In many cultures the mentally ill and those who have convulsions or seizures were thought to be under the influence of the moon. In our passage, demon possession and mental illness are separated. They are included in the ministry of Jesus; the issue is not the condition but the people! The third group was the paralytics. This is a general term representing a wide range of crippling handicaps. The Jews of Jesus’ day looked upon those who were handicapped with disdain. Along with the poor, they were barred from the temple. For Jesus the issue was not the condition of the person but the person.
These three terms characterize the three broad areas of man’s great need, the spiritual, the mental, and the physical. Jesus invades the demonic territory; He conquers every situation and condition. And they brought to Him all sick people, . . . and He healed them (Matthew 4:24). The disciples are called to be “fishers of men.” This is a call to all people; there are none excluded. I am an included Jesus pusher!!!