I am a Jesus pusher!!! When Peter was requested to explain Pentecost, he simply pointed them to Jesus. He must have been a Jesus pusher. Jesus of Nazareth, a Man was sourced by God in His living (Acts 2:22), His dying (Acts 2:23), and His resurrection (Acts 2:24). When the outside God came to indwell one hundred and twenty disciples at Pentecost, it was a duplication of what had already happened in Jesus of Nazareth, a Man. Jesus is the explanation of the theology of Pentecost. The fullness of the Spirit is no longer frightening; it reproduces the life of Jesus in you and me. How will I act if the Spirit of God comes to indwell me? I will act like Jesus. The same Spirit of God indwelling Him has now come to indwell me.
I am a Jesus pusher!!! His Spirit has become the source of my life. I refuse to live out of my best. Where has my best taken me? The pain and dissatisfaction of my own life is a product of my own efforts. I have ceased to blame others; I have lived out of my own resource. What is the potential of my future? How will anything be better? The common denominator of every crisis of my life is me. In every failure, I find myself? I have tried; but my attempts are insufficient. Could the Spirit of Jesus become my source? Could Pentecost happen to me? Jesus spoke of oneness with Him, “At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you,” (John 14:20). He is speaking of the Day of Pentecost. In the oneness of His Spirit I experience Him. He is my source. I am a Jesus pusher!!!