I am a Jesus pusher!!! These miracles VALIDATE HIS PURPOSE (what is available) (Matthew 4:23-25). They announce the arrival of the Kingdom of God. Jesus allows us clarity in the statements to follow. We address no individual case of sickness in any specific person. However, the Scriptures do propose the view that sickness is the consequence of the universal corrupt nature of sin plaguing the earth. The fall of man (Genesis 3) resulted in total change of the human nature. Inwardly man was radically different which affected his perspective (Genesis 3:7). The curse of sin resulted in multiplication of sorrow (Genesis 3:16), and came upon the social life of mankind. The ground came under the curse of sin (Genesis 3:17). Death was experienced (Genesis 3:19). Paul speaks of this as the sufferings of this present time (Romans 8:18). He explains that there is an earnest expectation of the creation waiting for the redemptive hour (Romans 8:19). He pictures the entire creation groaning and laboring with birth pangs waiting for the relief of redemption (Romans 8:22). He explains that creation needs to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8:21).
The miracles of Jesus flow through a Spirit sourced man and are the first acts of the new Kingdom of God. Jesus delivered the paralytic by forgiving him of his sins. When the scribes questioned His right to do so, Jesus said, “For which is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise and walk’?” (Matthew 9:5). Jesus reversed the effects of sin. I want to give my life to Him for this purpose. I am a receptive Jesus pusher!!!