I am a Jesus pusher!!! In the minds of some scholars there is a controversy between the structure of man as presented in the Old and New Testaments. I personally do not see the conflict. In the Old Testament, the structure of mankind is a dichotomy. The Hebrew concept held to man being twofold. Man is physical evidenced by his body. He is also spiritual evidenced by his inner spirit. The story of creation is a demonstration of that. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being (Genesis 2:7). Man’s body was formed from the physical ingredient God had already created. Then God breathed into man’s body the “breath of life.” The Hebrew word translated breath (neshamah) can be translated “breath, wind, or spirit.” Man received his ability of life from God. The Hebrew word translated “being” (nephesh) is used seven hundred and fifty-three times in the Old Testament. When this word is applied to a person, it doesn’t refer to a specific part of a human being. The Scriptures view a person as a composite, whole, fully relating to God, and not divided in any way.
Jesus invaded the demonic hold Satan had on mankind by miracles (Matthew 4:23-25). He could not restore man physically without restoring him spiritually. When the spiritual life of man is whole it affects his physical life! Jesus ministers to the whole person. I invite Him into my whole person. I am a Jesus pusher!!!